Monday, December 8, 2008

Blog # 9 Favorite Text

I found “iSpy” to be the text that related the most to our class discussions, this semester. We have talked a lot about surveillance which pertains to the whole concept of this book. I enjoyed a lot of our discussions, yet I would have to agree that I am a little more paranoid about having pictures and some personal information online. I have considered taking my facebook page down before, but after becoming educated on all the surveillance that goes on, I think it is essential to take it down before I begin looking for a job. Due to the fact that I am graduating in May, I would hate to think that my facebook page could have the potential to forbid me from getting a job or hurt my professional career, as a whole. On the other hand, “The Wisdom of the Crowds,” was the most interesting book I read this semester. I actually enjoyed reading it and highly suggest using the text for next semester.

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