Monday, December 8, 2008

Blog # 10 Suggestions

I think it would be interesting to discuss more imagery displayed online, rather than just text. We touched on this concept a little bit, yet I think the topic would be interesting to elaborate more on. I also agree with some of my classmates that it would be neat to do some sort of an assignment with facebook or myspace. I think a lot of people misunderstood this class for being primarily about these websites. Although, I found a lot of the assigned topics relevant to facebook and myspace, it would have been cool to center an activity solely on this these sites. Most of the concepts we read about, expressed a negative outlook regarding the internet. I think it would be interesting to see the opposing side. Everything Bad Is Good For You, by Steven Johnson would be a good book to read. This text is used for a popular culture course, yet it would still be interesting to see how certain forms of media also have the ability to educate and entertain people, in a positive way.

1 comment:

phillium said...

I like the idea you have for creating a project around facebook. I will not lie, I definitely thought this class would be entirely centered around facebook, and sure it has a lot to do with facebook, but it is mostly about technology in general. It would be good to see facebook tied into a semester long project that centers around the books we read in class.