Monday, December 1, 2008

Free # 6 Mean World Syndrome

I have always been aware of the reason why some people don’t find it necessary to keep up with the news. This is simply because the news is constantly filled with negative and depressing stories. My mom, on the other hand, is always up to date with the latest news breaking stories. After becoming educated on the meaning of the mean world syndrome, I immediately classified my mom in this category. She is so involved with the news and media, that she is extremely paranoid about certain topics that are often, unrealistic. She even tries desperately to get me paranoid. This is the main reason why I personally don’t watch the news. Because she is so involved in news coverage, I feel anything I really need to know, she will be sure to inform me. Up until my 222 class with Professor King, I was content with the “anything I don’t know won’t hurt me,” phrase. Yet, after being forced to read the newspaper every day, I realized as long as one is able to “filter” out certain information they don’t see relevant or realistic, educating yourself on daily news is important to survive in the working and professional world.


EaglesFan said...

I also feel it is important to be informed on subjects in the news but am often alienated by the bias that is present. I would enjoy watching the news and reading the newspaper if I was able to have a balanced perspective on the issue. I believe many people are discouraged from actively remaining updated on current events because of similar problems. It also seems that today's generation has sought out alternative ways of obtaining this information!!

Kellynne said...

I definitely try to keep up with stuff but what I find most annoying is that you can never fully trust anything..that is what really makes me paranoid.