Monday, November 24, 2008

Blog # 8 Nosey Commentators

The main acts of surveillance I commit are done through facebook and the television. This weekend, I spent the majority of Saturday doing homework and watching football all of Sunday. Due to the fact, that I spent Saturday completing an essay, I can honestly say I didn’t participate in any surveillance that day. My paper didn’t involve the use of the internet and my head was stuck inside a book the majority of the day. On the other hand, I am unaware of who was participating acts of surveillance on me. I am sure at least one person, roamed my facebook page. On Sunday, I obviously watched the Redskins game, and the other football games that went on way past 12:00am. Although I am intrigued by the actual game and nothing else, I can’t help but hear the commentators in the background discussing the players “baggage” or other information they find necessary to discuss. Listening to the commentators caused me to participate in different acts of surveillance. I can honestly say, I feel bad for the players. Here they are struggling to play and win a football game, while these nosey reporters are discussing their personal lives with the general public. Sometimes they are speaking positively about them, but most of the time, negative baggage is discussed, anything they think will intrigue and amuse their audience. This highlights the fact that people participate in surveillance, without even attempting to. The mainstream media forces it upon our society, making it almost impossible to ignore.

1 comment:

Caitlyn said...

I guess talking bad about people is what keeps the conversation going. I see why you feel bad for the athletes but I think that is something they know when they decide to go pro and be in the so called lime light. It is the same for actors, singers and so on.