Monday, November 24, 2008

Blog # 7 My Google Search

"What you don't know won't hurt you."

My facebook page is the first thing that came up, after I entered my name in the google website, followed by a few digital stories that I had produced on The websites fortunately couldn’t tell a stranger much about my character, unless they were to further research my interests on facebook. After reading some of our texts, I began to question whether or not I should even have a facebook page. This is because all the information and pictures on facebook could essentially tell a complete stranger a lot of personal information about me. With this being said, I still feel fortunate to have a unique first and last name. I had about 6 websites that were about me, yet thousands of sites were directed to the meaning of my name. People with my last name often spell it with one “a.” My unique name gives me a sense of isolation, becoming aware of the fact that information about me is less likely to be searched and identified. However, I would much rather have a more common name, when it comes to a digital profile, mostly for privacy purposes. With all the harmful acts that are committed through the internet, my unique name allows someone to find me easier than they could find a person with a more common name. There are a lot more people with the name “John Smith” than there are of me. Although, my name contributes to my uniqueness, it also allows someone to get to know me a lot faster, because of the internet.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I am the same way with having a unique name and agree that it does take away a decent amount of your privacy. If someone wants to look me up on facebook they will have no trouble finding me simply because they are maybe one or two other people who share the same full name as me.