Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Free # 4 The Hidden Agenda

Because our society is so influenced by the media, technology has the potential to affect the way people consume and produce media. This has a lot to do with the idea of “Technological Determinism.” Different forms of media must cater to the different interests of society. Examining how technology is being developed and used is best done by becoming familiar with certain components of technology. While examining a specific medium, it is important to understand certain actions that are especially, time consuming and more difficult. Producers can then develop a more advanced medium that is easier for consumers to operate. For example, when people began to express difficulties with the television antenna, producers came up with a control system they had complete power over. This eliminated the frequent problems people faced while constantly trying to adjust the device. On the other hand, we have learned that producers often have a hidden agenda. For instance, Tivo goes for the idea of targeted monitoring. They give their consumers the false promise of having more control. In actuality, consumers don’t have a lot more control. Consumers can only manage how they watch, but not what they watch. Tivo was created to eliminate the hassle that goes along with the VCR, yet the real reason it was created was to keep track and “spy” on consumer’s interests. As producers invent and create new products, our society becomes lazier and overall more obsessed with mainstream media. The more obsessed society becomes with technology, the more knowledge producers gain to advance and perfect their products.

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